Podcasts that I've found

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Thought I'd pass on my findings from searching in iTunes

Adobe Lightroom killer tips (video)
Adobe elements killer tips (video)
Digital photography (video)
Lenswork (audio)
Martin Bailey (audio)
Photography 101 (video)
The simple photo minute (video)
Tips and tricks photography (PDF download)
Jeff Curto's camera postion (audio)
Digital photography tips from the top floor (mainly audio but some video)

Tour Podcast (audio)
WRC Official podcast (audio)
British superbike championship (audio)
Official motoGP podcast (audio)
In pit lane TV (video)

Console gaming.
DS:Life podcast (audio)
PSP Podcast (audio)
Wiispot.com (audio)
XBox lives Major Nelson (audio with some video)

To find all these and more go to itunes then open the podcast section and type in photography, motorsport or your type of console and away you go subscribe to the oones you like then when a new show is released you'll get next time you start itunes.

I hope some of the above will of some use (y) (y)
Thanks Davey - will download some of those tonight (y)
fighting talk is a great one. presented by colin murray, it's a sports quiz tho you don't have to be 'into' sport at all and 'quiz' is used in the loosest of terms, just very funny chat about rubbish really.
Yep, fighting talk is cool. BBC.co.uk/fivelive and then i think you look for downloads/podcasts.

As boring as it sounds, i'm after some podcasts on the news. to be specific, news concerning the energy sector: oil,gas,nucear, renewables etc..