Premier League club advertising for photographer.

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I see Wolves have released an ad for a club photographer. Including the role to Shoot, edit and upload a range action photography, primarily the first-team, Academy and Ladies teams, including match-days and training sessions. how does this sit with the DataCo discussions that have been on this forum?
I presume if employed by the club the images and copyright belongs to them as they pay for it.

Are they advertising a salaried post. Or for a freelance on a pay for service basis.
There is more than one way to. Kill a cat.
However the terms of any contract will almost certainly give them control of the images and total copyright.
As an employee they will be long to the club

I freelance for my club and work under my licence not the clubs so the pics are mine... If your an actual employee then the pics are the clubs.. isnt this the same in any business ?
I thought most premier league clubs had their own photographers for social media content etc.?

Man united certainly do.
I thought most premier league clubs had their own photographers for social media content etc.?

Man united certainly do.

Not all. As per the advert, this will be the club's first full time photographer.
Great opportunity there. Not seen one of these come up for years! Might even polish up the CV and have a punt...

In all seriousness, the only two that I can remember (on the open market) in the last ten years are Southampton and Manchester City.

The Soton salary was reasonable (for the time) but not surprisingly the Man City one was taking the pisch.
Might apply, my 5 Sunday League & 2 Sheffield United friendlies will stand me in good stead ;)
In all seriousness, the only two that I can remember (on the open market) in the last ten years are Southampton and Manchester City.

The Soton salary was reasonable (for the time) but not surprisingly the Man City one was taking the pisch.

Yeah, Southampton is the only one I can recall.

Regarding Dublin v Wolverhampton... get much more bang for buck property wise in the Midlands! Dublin house prices are crippling!
I’ve just read the job description on their website. Weirdly it says ‘educated to degree level in photography or something similar’. If they are going to enforce such a stipulation they will likely miss out on some excellent photographers. I doubt having a degree in photography is really necessary to be a club photographer.
I’ve just read the job description on their website. Weirdly it says ‘educated to degree level in photography or something similar’. If they are going to enforce such a stipulation they will likely miss out on some excellent photographers. I doubt having a degree in photography is really necessary to be a club photographer.

I have a degree in Photography, and can tell you I haven't used what I learnt in those three years once since doing it professionally. I have however used more of what I learnt when I was at college (16-18yo). My photography degree was more 'Art degree through the medium of a camera'. There are photography degrees out there that specialise 'Editorial and Advertising' and similar. But I personally think experience is king in this situation.
‘educated to degree level in photography or something similar’. If they are going to enforce such a stipulation

To be fair it does say "desired" ... Don't think it's a deal breaker or they will be looking a long time IMHO :)
I know the following answers will depend each on club. If a photographer worked as an employee photographer:

How will expenses for travelling to away games be arranged?
How will days off be arranged? I know the lucky photographer will be working 5 out of 7 days, as agreed, including matchdays. I say this because if travelling 300 miles to an away game, I would reckon travelling up the day before, travelling day back a day later after the match and staying over for two nights in a hotel. This would mean travelling on your days off. I guess travelling up there and back and doing a match could be done in one day but sure will be a long day!!

Any advice would be gratefully received!