Edit My Images
This may seem an obvious question to some but i have never had any images printed before, I will be copying files to CD to send to the Printers. I want A3 prints so what size files ,what size ppi etc, an idiots guide would be helpful as i am not so tech minded....JIM :help:
Hi Jim,

I supppose everyone has their own routines and recommendations on printing.
Personally, when I visit my printers I take my images on a USB memory stick, they're reasonabley cheap these days and can save a fortune in CD's.

A 1 GB or 2 GB memory stick is plenty of room for full reolution JPEG's.
Even if I am printing a 10 x 15 cm print I take the full resolution file with me.

Secondly I have my images in the printers ICC colour profile/colour space.
Maybe call them before visiting and ask if they have their own profiles or simply ask what they would recommend.
A mis-matched colour space or ICC profile results in very dim, flat and muted colours on your prints. Very dissapointing and quite frustrating too.

If your printers have only those detestable Kodak terminals then have a word with the clerk and see if they can help out. They should offer guidance and advice in acheiving the best results. I have a very good and friendly relationship with the staff at my printers, they have always guided me and advised how to adapt my workflow to get better results using their facilities.
Thanks to their help, my prints always look precisiely as they do on screen, after my post production.

Anyway, let us know how you get on.

All the best
