Profiling a Printer

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Hi Guys

Not sure if this is the rite section for this question (Could a Mod move it if its not).

Has anyone got any recomendations for Home frofiling a Printer.

I have been using Prifile Prizm but now I have installed Vista 64 the Canon Lide80 Scanner I used to use with great success will not work as again Canon have failed to support the 64bit operating system. I have had to start using my Epson 4990 and to be honest I am not getting as good prifiles as when I used the Canon Lide.

So I am now looking for a better hardware solution.

I use a Spyder 3 for minitor calibration so naturaly looked at their solution which costs about £230. Anyone use one, are they any good.

Any other recomendations, Other than go back to XP and use the Lide that is.


Can you run the scanner software in 32 bit mode?

If not then the cheapest option, is to download the default profiles from the Epson web site. Now these are generic profiles and only work with Epson Ink/paper but may give you a good starting point,

Second option is to get some custom profiles made. This is useful if you are not using the standard ink / paper combination.

You could buy another scanner?? Do you need a scanner??

Finally look at something like the Colormunki. Monitor profiler and printer profiler in one package. How good it is I can't say as I've never used it and it does seem to get conflicting reviews.
I have the Prinfix pro suite, its very accuate, and it might be for sale if anyone is interested.
Paul what are you looking at for £230?

spyder 3 print costs £230 (which when combined with spyde3 elite is spyder studio which is what I've got. The system is pretty dam good. improved the permajet profiles and made cast free B&W prints on a D92 and stylus photo 890
Spider3 Print arrived the other day, made a few new profiles for the papers I use.

In a word WOW

Stunning prints and totally colour cast free black & Whites.

Profile Prizm was good and a lot faster but Spyder3 produces far superior results.

Highly recommended.
