Raw files and Editing.

Edit My Images
Just thought id have a go at shooting in RAW on my camera to have a go with it. ive gone into photoshop and done open as on my raw file. first of all how do i know what size to make it? ive just been clicking guess. is this ok? and then when it opens its just a rectangle of gray? is this how its suppost to be? if so anyone give me any pointers on where to go from here or any tutorial sites etc i could use to direct me from this point?

Cheers Jord
It should open up and you should see the picture, along with some editing options to allow you to adjust exposure etc.What version of photoshop are you using? You may need to update your Camera RAW version for photoshop to allow it to view the D40 files.
It should open up and you should see the picture, along with some editing options to allow you to adjust exposure etc.What version of photoshop are you using? You may need to update your Camera RAW version for photoshop to allow it to view the D40 files.

its version 7.0 :|
Raw files vary from make to make and even camera to camera so the software has to be at least as up to date as your camera. I don't use PS so I'll let others tell you if there is a way round the problem. Try the software that came with the camera as it will include a raw editor.