RAW (NEF) Files won't open in photoshop?

All i can suggest is to check the version of camera raw that is installed (its in the filters menu i think), 3.6 is the default....if it is, try updating it to 3.7, can be found here.

Versions of camera raw 4.0 upwards will only work on CS3

I have also read that make sure you are trying to load images from the hard drive and not straight from the sd card (this can cause probs and can ruin your card)

Hope this helps
I use CS2 and have never had any problems opening RAW NEF shots taken on my D1x. As antihero suggested, have you downloaded them to your hard drive first?
IS it cs2 chucking it toys out of the pram or your PC?

Have you tried right clicking the file and then 'open with' and choosing cs2?

Failing that just drag the file onto cs2 and it should open.

If you've installed/uninstalled a trial of cs3 then it may have altered the file association so it's now a blind link.