Raw software for Mac (Nikon Flavour)

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I've just bought a s/h G4 Powerbook with Leopard pre-installed. I was using Picasa on my company's PC for opening up Nikon Raw Files. Can you suggest a low cost or free alternative for the Mac platform. Unfortunately my D200 didn't come with any bundled software.

Apart from this I'm delighted with the Mac:clap:


Nikon says that NX V 1.2 and V 1.3.0 wont work properly on a Mac running Leopard. AS far as I can make out, you need to make sure Leopard is updated to the latest version ( 10.5.2) and NX is running 1.3.1 and it should be ok. This is the combination I am using with my D300 and it seems ok at the moment.
What about iPhoto? It should be on par if not better than picasa or did the leopard pre-install not come with iLife?

Thanks for your replies.

I will try IPhoto. Only just got the Mac and after years spent on a PC still finding my way around it.

I do believe Elements has a Nikon Raw Plug In and if necessary will have to buy a copy of this.

Thanks again

NX is the best way to process Nikon NEF files. Unfortunately it's dog slow. I wish you could get the raw processor from NX as a plugin for Aperture. I'd be in heaven then.

I find aperture 2 very good and the new version is cheaper than version one and is much faster.

Also very good DAM software.
