Beginner Red Admiral

Nice Red Admiral colours, but only part of it in focus. Have you tried focus stacking or perhaps standing a bit further away with a smaller f stop? (larger DOF)
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Nice Red Admiral colours, but only part of it in focus. Have you tried focus stacking or perhaps standing a bit further away with a smaller f stop? (larger DOF)
I could have easily gone another 3 or 4 stops with the aperture, my fault for not thinking. Just spotted it as I was walking and didn't really take my time when I could have. Didn't even fly away, was still sat there when I walked on.
There seem to be plenty of Red Admirals around at the moment, so once we get a bit of sunshine they should be out feeding again. if you get them full on, ie not at an angle, DOF should not be a problem anyway. As said if you stand away a little the DOF will be greater anyway. Good luck...:)
Loads of Red Admirals in our garden this afternoon, they would not keep still. Very hard to nail focus on them.