Red Kite in flight

Nice frame that Cathy, great head angle.

For me, different birds work with different wing positions. As a general rule, full wings up or full wings down is the most dynamic and normally my preference, but other birds like gannets and buzzards spend a lot more time gliding so they look good with a flat wing position like your shot here.

I'm not a fan at all of looking up at the underside of a bird, can't think of any time that works for me.

As for your shot, it looks all good and natural. A more dynamic wing position would look strange here and lead to loads of wasted negative space, but that is because of the direct head on pose. The same pose taken at 90 degrees to the side of the bird would look quite boring to me.

I agree with Mike, super shot and I don;t think there is a definitive answer... It very much depends on the angle of the light and the flight line of the bird. Incidentally, I was photographing foxes from a hide yesterday afternoon and Red Kites were flying close, but I didn't manage to catch them even though there were many oppportunities.
Thank you Mike and Peter this is very helpful as I found that when I came home with so many belly shots they just did not work for me at all and at least now I can go back knowing what will work better. :)
Lovely shot- I don't have a Kite feeding staion close enough to travel to- shame really almost like a captive bird shoot :) I imagine it would fun to visit ???

Gorgeous image ;)
Lovely photo , would be hard to fault . I think this would be very hard to capture in the wild where the birds are not bated .