Red Moon

:shrug: not sure about this one, doesnt really work for me, i don't think the red colour allows the craters etc on the surface to show, there isn't enough contrast in the colour
Interesting. It looks almost like it was taken when the moon was eclipsed. It's not there really I'm afraid. Not enough detail showing through, it's a bit dark.
best i can do with that lens though im afraid..
best i can do with that lens though im afraid..

you will get a lot more from that lens - what settings did you use ?

taken with the old vr lens

f 5.6 1/100th sec iso 200 300mm focal length
im obviously rubbish at taking photos or have a poor quality 70-300 if u can take photos like that with ures.. if i cropped mine that much it would be so pixelated..
f 5.6 1/100th sec iso 200 300mm focal length

Try using a smaller aperture (my shot was taken at f11). If you can also use a tripod, mirror lockup and a remote shutter release or the timer release function on your camera. It also worth trying at different times / different nights as sometimes shots appear to be soft or have no detail due to atmospheric conditions, but the key thing is your camera needs to be rock solid.
I can't comment on that lens specifically, but this was taken with my 55-250 at 250mm handheld... EXIF is in the border.

I do think you moon is a little soft but I also think the red is kinda cool, as a moon shot on its own it wouldn't stand... however make it part of a moody or future type landscape and you could have a winner with a little photoshop magic thrown into the pot.
Having never really attempted the moon myself as I was always very much led to believe to get a keeper you need to be north of 600mm in focal length. however my uncle recently complained he couldn't get a good shot with his canon L series 100-400 on a canon 40d body... of course this must be to do with the fact that he bought canon instead of nikon! so I demonstrated that most people think its dark i better let more light in right?... No! as a starting point shoot at 1/200s iso 100 and f8 and play with your settings from there, always shoot it on a tripod as mentioned and preferably with a shutter release and mirror lock up also as mentioned...always shoot it in raw too and using adobe camera raw increase the image size (its in the menu at the bottom) interpolation i think its called from memory (lets you make a 6mp image 20mp etc..) now you have a larger image the crop will be no problem with no pixelation allowing you to fill the frame with your moon.. now open it in photoshop, duplicate the layer, run it through lucis art if you have it to boost the detail and move the opacity slider until it looks natural, sharpen for output and your done... voilla!
hope this helps.
the shot was taken with a remote shutter lead on a tripod, ill try using f11