Remove noise

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I shoot in raw and process with raw therapee and or Corel and or art.

I recently went to Colombia and sometimes the light was apalling - hence this photo

EF7A2651_Tree_Creeper by davholla2002, on Flickr

What would people recommend to get rid of the noise? Is Topaz as good as claimed?
If you are shooting raw, then DxO PhotoLab and it's Prime & Deep Prime is excellent and indeed though I have not needed to do so, I have read of those using PhotoLab and then running the exported jpeg through Topaz DeNoise AI to 'finish' off.

PS all have trial may be best to see for yourself which you prefer ?
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I shoot in raw and process with raw therapee and or Corel and or art.

I recently went to Colombia and sometimes the light was apalling - hence this photo

EF7A2651_Tree_Creeper by davholla2002, on Flickr

What would people recommend to get rid of the noise? Is Topaz as good as claimed?
You might find my post from a couple of weeks ago useful

Just my two pence worth.
I have On1 photo raw 2022 and it has a very good noise reduction option compared to Topaz that I also own, it is faster and you don't have the refresh wait every time you move the image as you do with Topaz, however you do need a computer with a lot of guts to run On1 so holding my hands up I have removed it and use Topaz Denoise.
I tried DXO pure raw trial but unfortunately other things came up and really didn't get a chance to compare it to Topaz plus the cost of DXO AOMO the price is quite high for a single software but I understand that during the Black Friday day it is offered at a lower price so I may purchase as it seems from forums like this and YouTube it is the bees knees. Also just moved to Faststone and Affinity Photo from where you can open most plugins Russ.
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Had a go on a screen grab of your pic - Topaz Denoise does a decent job on it

I did the same with Affinity, also did a fair job.


But the image is jpeg and low resolution so not quite what was needed.

Affinity also does a very reasonable job with RAW files
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Here is a very quick try with the raw file and Affinity.
Could reduce the noise further, but that is a personal choice between no noise and loosing some detail.
It was resized to post here as a jpeg


I should hope the AI based programmes do a better job, and allow a better balance between detail and noise :)
Thank you @davidy233 and @ecoleman the results with two different programs are very very similar.
Certainly no one can say one is a lot better than the other looking at them.
Out of all those, I think the DXO Pure Raw has the slight edge overall, they all have something slightly worse than another, The Topaz I think is the least nice, it has killed the noise in both the brown and green, but has artefacts and lost the most detail.

Very close in all cases though, have to zoom in a lot to see the differences
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Out of all those, I think the DXO Pure Raw has the slight edge overall, they all have something slightly worse than another, The Topaz I think is the least nice, it has killed the noise in both the brown and green, but has artefacts and lost the most detail.

Very close in all cases though, have to zoom in a lot to see the differences

I think it's very difficult to tell on a 1024px image.

It looks like the others were just run through the noise reduction and reposted whereas I did brighten it up a bit, lifted the shadows and added a bit of localised sharpening which probably helps the image here.

I think we can all agree though that they are all better than Affinity alone and DXO is definitely better than LR alone.