resetting garage rolller shutter remote key fob

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Yes a remote keyfob battery stopped working. no problem in just replacing the battery, but trying to program it again to operate the garage door was a pain in the butt. The installers didn't give and details on how to reset either. Now having to pay for a call out ? not if we can sort it our selves.
So onto the interweb where we discovered there are two ways to reprogram the fob. One way was to do it via the control panel buy pushing buttons in a specific order, or by pairing up with the second fob. mangage to do it via he control panel and saved a few quid on no callout charge.
I had our fobs slowly fail on an old controller, went from 3 to 1 in a few months.
Tried all the online switches and dips etc , ended up ringing the installer and they said probably a transmitter fault on the main board wanted 400+ to replace.
I ended up ordering a complete new unit that came with 3 FOBs for about £80 and installing it myself, was quite easy and now works perfect

bit like this one , only thing it didn't support was the auto down with the bottom slat sensor so when closing you have to hold the remote "down" button until the door closes which to be honest I prefer
