Ring shot

Edward Bray
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I have my first wedding for a couple of years this weekend, so I visited the B & G this evening to finalise details and take a ring shot.

Here is my take on it, they were very specific about both rings being included.

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Hi Ed

I like it, could you somehow make the shadows thiner, 1 heart inside 1, kinda thing,

Last year I had a go at 1 ring,

somewhere I saw a shot of 2 rings and both hearts 1 inside the other I'll have a look see if I can find a link I also found this Clicky Linky a weak image but with your imagination you could do better Im sure I think I remember 1 ring was stood up and the other was laying flat

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I like that, tis clever (y) but do get rid of the blue tack(y)
you are welcome, good luck with the wedding (y)
I like these kind of shots hence my avatar and have wondered how I'd do both rings.

Personally I'd alter the dof to obscure more of the text I find myself reading it rather that paying attention to the hearts.

Also I'd pick a more appropriate quote a quick google on the bible and love brings up 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 or Corinthians 13:7-8

Still a great shot and I'm going to have to try both mine and the wifes rings now to get this effect thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for the comments (y) blue tack now removed in first image :bonk:

Here is a slightly different take on it.

Just as an update, I found it quite difficult to light these shots without getting a hotspot of light. In the end I used a mini maglite (2 AA version) which had been converted to LED with the focussing head removed to provide a more diffused but still small point source of light.
Really good efforts Ed. Which reminds me I need to go and shoot one for my own portfolio!

The first one, the bride's ring could do with rotating clockwise. It's facing a bit left with all the nice sparklies.

The second one is a mare to light right. You obviously need the lightsource to create the shadow but the bride's ring is now completely in shadow, so you can't see any of the detail. It could almost use a fill light. Tricky to do right though.

Really good effort and I'm sure they will be delighted.
I keep meaning to grab one of this style of ring shot. I like the second one a lot - but as has been said some of the detail of the ring has been lost, but not sure how you could fill without losing definition in the shadow. I guess PS is an option!

Also 1 Cor 13 is always everyone's choice of text -why not find out what readings are going to be used at the wedding and have those? Gives it that personal edge (and avoids frustrating those of who studied theology and think that 1 Cor 13 possibly isn't the best wedding text!)
All I used for the lighting in my avatar was a bog standard table lamp to cast the shadow and no flash, (I messed up the white balance and ended up with the golden effect and liked it).

Mark your right about 1 Cor 13 it was the first one that I came to on google (also the only one I know off hand;)) but I like your idea regarding using the readings from the day.
With the two ring version i find it hard to see the heart.

If I did not know that that is what I was meant to see I am not see it (if you see what I mean!)

Will one ring fit inside the other, or fit seamlessly up against the other, giving a single heart from the two rings?

Also though a fill light is going to be hard to work with possibly a tiny tiny point light above the rings to give a sparkle from them. Maybe grid it severely so it does not interfere with the shadow.

+1 for the narrow depth of field.

or how about spacing the rings quite far apart and having two lights one up the page one down the page. Each ring will give off two shadows and then you can arrange them so the points of the hearts touch or they overlap in an interesting way...
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hi, I like both the shots however they arent straight. could do with turning a few degrees clockwise to get the spine of the book vertical.

if you get me......
:) I'm going to copy this idea for my own wedding ring shot. :D Thanks for sharing, Ed.
Well that certainly opened up an old thread! I take it you were searching for threads on wedding rings?