Rock Drummer...

They're a bit static Pete, and that background isn't helping?

I reckon you'd do better shooting these at an actual gig if you can where the lighting is going to be better and the shots will look less posed. I'd be inclined to go for the lower viewpoint with blurry oof drums in the foreground as you have in No1. I'd try to capture some blurry stick action too, with the face as sharp as possible.

I'd certainly shoot some colour especially with the coloured lights and stuff you get at a gig.
Not sure about the first one mate, it doesn't do a great deal for me. The second one is okay but needs a bit more work IMO, I've had a quick play (very quick) with it, firstly I blurred the background to try and take the eye away from the creases and then cropped the image. I then applied the Midnight Black action and did some dodging and burning and followed it up with a sharpen to increase the contrast.

As I said it was only a quick attempt but I was trying to get a grittier, rock 'n' roll feel to it which is what I think was lacking.

Or you could go really mental and focus just on the drummer.....:D

You definitely need some movement in there, Pete. If you will, in the first shot, he looks as if he's doing a soundcheck - checking the snare or hats or something, rather than in full heads-down-see-you-at-the-end-guys mode.

The second shot is better - it's obviously posed and he looks like it's his own kit in this one. But please get rid of that bloody cable in front of the kick drum? After his face and the TAMA logo, it's the next thing I saw!