Ruby Crowned Kinglet in flight


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Very similar bird to the Eurasian Firecrest in size and habit.
I am convinced that no camera can actually track these tiny birds in flight (kinglets/warblers); even if I can keep them in the viewfinder (50/50 that). It's just a matter of luck (pre-focus/DOF) and if they pause/hover long enough for the camera to catch up.

Ruby-crowned kinglet by Steven Kersting, on Flickr
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Well done and catching one Stephen and the shot looks just about perfect to me :D Job Done and very well done too :D
Always think of Ruby-crowned as equivalent to Goldcrest and Golden-crowned to Firecrest.
I took that information from the web; I wouldn't know personally.

"There are two species in North America with largely overlapping distributions, and two in Eurasia which also have a considerable shared range. In each continent, one species (Goldcrest in Eurasia and Golden-crowned kinglet in North America) is a conifer specialist; these have deeply grooved pads on their feet for perching on conifer twigs, and a long hind toe and claw for clinging vertically. The two generalists, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Common Firecrest hunt more in flight, and have smoother soles, shorter hind claws and a longer tail."