Sea Defences...

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An image of a WWII gun position built into the rocks situated at Spital Carrs in Newbiggin by the Sea in Northumberland.

Taken on the 25-03-09 at approx 17:45 as the sun was on it's descent lighting up the sky producing some great colours.
I tried to compose the shot using the streaks of coal dust in the sand and the two rows of footsteps leading the eye into the frame

C&C welcome


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Good picture, the composition works really well and I like the tones in the sky and sand :)
Great colours :) I didn't notice the footprints until I read your paragraph though so I guess it was the sand that led me in :)
wicked photo!
I agree it almost looks HDR, so colourful and detailed!
I wish I had places like that around where i am!
cheers for the comments much appreciated

Nice work, What lens was used to take this?

It was taken with a 10-20mm lens, slightly processed in lightroom and finished off with Dodge & Burning, levels and a final sharpen in photoshop

Wonderful exposure of the sky but I find the foreground a little dull. Maybe moving a bit closer and lower to get some of the outlying rocks a bit more prominant
nice shot, foreground as above is dull. Perhaps should have dedicated more of the shot to the sky?
a slight crop to the foreground and a tiny crop to the left but leave some sea and its a stunning shot (y)