Sea Sunset



I thought i'd post on here, just to see what you guys think aswell.


Large Version.
That is a really good pic there Jackpea ! IMO if you cropped 25% (ish) right and bottom it adds impact ... definitely imo though !

And that gull ... shame it did not fly faster, or slower and end up a bit left, or right of the sun ! Good capture all the same !

TFS ...
Its certainly a good image. Think I'd have gone for just a bit more contrast.

There is a box you can tick in your user profile if you are happy for others to edit your pictures and show their ideas.
Good shot, but less sea and more sky would have made it even better.
GfK said:
Good shot, but less sea and more sky would have made it even better.

Precisely what I was trying to say ... guess you put it more succinctly GfK ! ;)
I'm not sure I see a better crop there, but it's a really nice shot Jack. I just think you could make a lot more of that sky and the sea. :)

I had a play with it before i commented. I was looking to get something like CTs version. I improved it but didn't get it that far :)

What did you do CT? Was it just contrast and saturation?
It's a 'fudged' HDR process Robert.

I saved Jack's original jpeg as a TIFF file totally unaltered. Next you create two further TIFF copies of the image, one darker and one lighter. To create the darker one I just lower the gamma, and to create the lighter one, raise the gamma. You're looking for a rough one or two stops difference between each image.

Opened the 3 images in Photomatix and generated a HDR image, then applied tone mapping.

Opened the HDR image in PSP and adjusted sharpness, contrast etc for the best result. Finally save the image again as a jpeg.(If it's for the web)

It's a lot easier and quicker than it probably sounds. :)
very nice, shows what can be done with a good image!