Second attempt at insects macro/closeup

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A bit happier with these than I was with my first efforts but I still seem to be getting my DOF wrong on a lot of them. Didn't have a tripod with me at the time so all shot handheld with my Sigma 70-300 APO. Definitely quite addictive this stuff and has got me thinking about a dedicated macro lens in the future.

All comments and critique very welcome please guys as I would like to learn more about this particular side of photography so don't be shy. (y)


1) I found a very popular thistle...


2) Wish I had used a smaller aperture here to get more of them in focus.


3) One of my favourites from the day but it does look a bit dark once I've uploaded it to web for some reason. :thinking:


4) Think one of them must have dropped his wallet in this thistle head was teeming with the wee beasties all day.


5) I was trying to capture the 3 hovers on the thistle asd I liked the nice shape of them all standing on top but the bumblebee and other hover flew into the shot and they were gone when I went for a second one. :(

Yeah. Good job. Like No. 3 best. I too find it very addictive and hope to get my hands on a dedicated lens soon.
Really good shots, I don't really like the 5th one but that's because the blur attracts me.
I LOVE number 3 the angle and the framing is just gorgeous.
Agree this is a really nice set and number 3 is definately the best of the bunch. I particilarly like the detail in the thistle too
Well I think these are a great set and Im going to be different as I prefer the first two, I think the DOF works nicely on those two personally.