Second five about Russian Autumn

Nice pictures, Oleg. Especially Nos. 1 & 2.
They are just as good as the first three Oleg, very nice and yes there are some places in the UK with scenes like that.
The first two are standing out for me - the mood, the fog are just better captured than the other three. Great work.
Nice light there. I like #4 because of the patterns of the reeds which draws your eye into the photo.

Can you post them bigger rather than having click-throughs? You'll get more views and comments that way.
They are just as good as the first three Oleg, very nice and yes there are some places in the UK with scenes like that.
Thank you, Donna

The first two are standing out for me - the mood, the fog are just better captured than the other three. Great work.
It is because of i took them a little bit earlier...

Can you post them bigger rather than having click-throughs? You'll get more views and comments that way.
I wrote in the previous thread I thought 800px on the biggest side of a photo was not enough for a normal viewing

think aloud:
damn, damn, damn
I can't use articles correctly till now :crying: