Secret rivers

Martin Prothero
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Secret because I'm not going to tell you exactlywhere they are - but they are all on Dartmoor.

Took these this morning. It was misty when I left home (before light), but soon picked up enough to allow me a couple of hours of shooting and hiking.

What do you think?




Like your pics, a polarising filter would take some of the reflection of the water, the fact that you have these within walking distance makes you very lucky.
Funny thing is I have had a 77mm CPL filter on order for a couple of weeks and when I got home from this shoot, it arrived in the post!

Next time I can use it.

Oh, and these locations are about an hours drive from me, but I agree I am very fortunate to be able to visit and enjoy them. I do love Dartmoor.
Stunning location and you've captured the water just right, so many expose too long for my taste.
WOW! On my screen that one looks like a PeteC HDR! Maybe I should get it checked out. I actually wondered if my original ones were a bit over saturated but that's how they come off the D40. I think it boosts colour a tad to make things look...erm...luscious?
Now you say that, I do think they could all do with a bit of warming. There is a wintery blue cast that could do with being an autumnal blush.
Has anyone every used a Moose warm up polariser?
Haha I wasn't sure so took down the shot Martin, I can put it back if you want to see it again. Damn you were quick :LOL:
Very nice collection.
Thanks. I think I'll have a play at warming the colours and see if I can change the mood a little.

Thing is, I've just got back in from another shoot this morning and want to have a look at that lot too...never enough time;)
Lovely colours in these as well as nice composition. :)
Well, I've had a play and warmed the colours up. I think its an improvement but I'm not completely convinced, I need to learn how to tweak more. The colours do seem to change from my version on screen to the saved for web versions that appear here.

What do you think now?




anything that involves water & green moss gets my vote! they are very lovely :)
Thanks. I know what you mean, the subject matter is a pleasure to work with. I could have laid down and fallen asleep there!
Looking back now, I don't like the new ones either. The colours look a bit...wrong somehow. Anyone got any comments to help me improve these. I think the shots could look great if I could learn to tweak properly.

Anyone out there?
Here's my tweaking I did Martin, I'm not sure it's any better then yours though.

Thanks for that. I think yours makes it look like the shot was taken in autumn, but a bit too saturated on my monitor. Maybe a cross between yours and mine is the best balance.

I find it quite difficult, I adjust the mid range and things look OK and then go to the highlights and it all changes again. Then adjusting the shadows, and before you know it its back to mids...:shrug:

How did you do this one?
If you copy the image to create a new layer then Gaussian blur it, about 8-10. Then change the blend to softlight and that should get it like my effort.
great stuff 1 is my fave (y)