Self Portrait

I don't know that i can provide much C&C, however i'd like to know what kind of look you're looking to achieve with the shot?

You look uncomfortable, unhappy and almost childlike with the awkward angle of your left leg. Maybe a lost or shy child i see here.

Like i said previously i'm not sure what you're trying to achieve. If you could give some info it may help me understand.

Hmm... Portrait rather than landscape perhaps? More light on the face? Camera angle wrong - get down to it's level more, or stick the camera higher up? Looks a very awkward pose. Have to say, not the best photo. Hope the suggestions help :)
I've never tried a self portrait for any number of good reasons. I think that there are a number of ways that yours might be better. The composition (I think you are too central and there's a bit of your left missing), the pose (it seems awkward to me) and the camera position (there seems to be a list to the left). The first two are among the reasons I have never tried a self portrait, assessing where and how to stand must be difficult. It seems to me that experimentation is the name of the game or have a friend help you with composition and pose. The straightening thing can be dealt with in the software. My suggestion is have another go and apply the lessons you feel are relevant. I hope this helps rather than is too harsh.
Have you had another go since this was posted? :)

Have to agree with all the points already made, would be better in portrait format, your face isnt even in focus, and you've cut your foot off.

Would be nice to know if you've taken these comments on board :)
I quite like the landscape format and I love the pose but I'd be tempted to position you further right in the frame. A touch of desaturation and increased local contrast would help the shot too. It's a shame that you cut off your foot. I think it's got a lot of potential for a great self portrait if you can re do it :)
I wont repeat what everyone else has said but i will say i totally agree. The great thing about this site is you can take all the comments on board and learn for next time, dont let it put you off. I had a shoot a while back that i thought came out well, however it was actually pretty terrible for a number of reasons. I took everything on board, leart from it, went out and shot again! And guess what, the next time it was tons better. I look forward to see ing your next try.
My initial reaction was the same as the comments above but after a moments thought I've come to the conclusion that it's an interesting shot.

Without knowing what you were aiming for I can't say if it's luck or judgement but it almost has a "Street" quality to it.

As Steve says, you do look uncomfortable and childlike but not at all posed.

You could be shying away from the camera. The open public area gives an air of vulnerability. The poor placement of the subject (yourself) in the frame, with the cropped foot combined with the way that your hand is placed on your skirt, gives an air of voyeurism. As if some creepy guy has loitered nearby with a camera and you're suddenly conscious of your short skirt and being alone and vulnerable in this empty park.

In many senses it's not a great picture but it does tell a story and that's what street is all about.
:D thanks for all the comments guys! Love this website becuase its great to get feeback and for improving, I am heading off to the park tomorrow to try out different compostions etc await further pics people :D