Sensor Cleaning

mike crabbe
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I am always raeding about sensor cleaning, and as I am fairly new to DSLR's I wondered if this is something that should be done on a regular basis. I am not experiencing any specks that I can see but would be glad of any advice on this matter , also if it is needed what is the best equipment to carry it out
If you cant see anything then don't do it, would be my advice. No point needlessly sticking things in the camera.

My d40 does need it now after a year of use, I shall be taking it to a local shop to do though.
If you don't see blobs on your pictures then you don't need your sensor cleaned so don't worry about it :)

Dust specks show at small apertures so if you never shoot above say f11 then you will never need the sensor cleaned even if it is dusty. Just enjoy the camera and don't worry about dust.
Just to confirm the above - if you can't see any problems with your photo's (dust wise :D) then leave it alone, forget and don't worry about it (y)
I took my rocket blower to my 1Ds the other day and then went out shooting at f16 this morning.

Oh dear!

It's in for cleaning on Friday!! I really can't deal with hundreds of dust bunnies and I'm not joking. It needs fumigating rather than cleaning. A good wet clean should sort it out though.

I do need to get to grips with a wet cleaning method (Robert's is good) as I've been using dust aid dry method and they have changed the method and now it's awful!
I've had digital SLRs for the last 2 years and other than the occasional rocket blow I've never needed to clean a sensor. Yes you can almost always spot dust when you stop down to f22+ and do auto levels. However in real life on a 1.5/1.6 sensor I wouldn't go over f10 anyway due to diffraction so I've never noticed anything.

Dust can be a problem but if you are careful and it's not upsetting your results ignore it.
Before you convince yourself that there is no dust visible in a photo, make sure you know what you're supposed to be looking for. It sounds obvious I know. I've had people stood behind me watching while I clone out dust spots and tell me they can't see any, so how can I? I've seen dust spots visible in camera mag pictures and on the demo pictures on their cds. People regularly post pictures here for comments with dust spots. And a major camera manufacturer ran a magazine ad for months with a dust spot.
ive had dslr's since 2002 and have never had to clone out any dust on photos. regular rocket blowing in the chamber and careful infrequent lens changes mean ive not needed to. ive used dry swabs once or twice in the past for anytime that ive noticed a speck of dust/dirt in pre shoot checks.

as people have mentioned, providing you cant see any dust specks in the picture then dont worry about properly cleaning the sensor, but by all means regularly clean your camera as you would your lenses.