Sevenoaks Reserve ... ID Requied

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Went for a quick visit to Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve.
Bumped in to a couple of regulars one guy told me he had seen a Green Sandpiper, the other guy said it was a Wood Sandpiper. After some more discussion they pointed me in the direction of the hide where I could see for myself, also there was a kingfisher there (which I missed).
The light was going but I went to the hide and got this shot of a Sandpiper or not...
Can anyone ID this bird from this shot...

1) Green Sandpiper (Thanks guys)

500mm/F8 1/60 ISO 400

I had wander round the other side of the main lake earlier.
The water was a bit low so the birds were a little way off (all 100% crops).

All the following at 500mm/F8 1/320 ISO 400

2) Snipe

3) Snipe

4) Lapwing

5) Lapwing

Please correct me if the ID are wrong.

Thanks for looking ... C&C welcome ...
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Nice set of shots Stuart. ID's OK, the first I'd say is a Green Sandpiper.
Yea Green Sandpiper for me too. The Wood Sandpiper has a white stripe running over the eye.
Nice set, though they do look a little soft on my monitor.
Nice set of shots Stuart. ID's OK, the first I'd say is a Green Sandpiper.

Yea Green Sandpiper for me too. The Wood Sandpiper has a white stripe running over the eye.

Nice set, though they do look a little soft on my monitor.

Thanks for comments and ID.
I agree they are a little 'soft' the Snipe and Lapwing were too far out really hence the 100% crops.
The light was going when I took the Sandpiper shot and his head was bobbing up and down.

Hopefully I will be able to get a bit closer next time.
This is the full frame shot of the Lapwing (No4)...

Thanks again (y)
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