Sharper than lego.

That made me think of a game we played as children but I can't remember what it's called. You throw a handful of many pointed thingies down and pick them up as a ball bounces...

Nicely taken and processed Toni. Very sharp :D
That made me think of a game we played as children but I can't remember what it's called. You throw a handful of many pointed thingies down and pick them up as a ball bounces...

Nicely taken and processed Toni. Very sharp :D

Thank you sir. I know the game you describe, but can't for the life of me remember what it's called.

The irony is that the actual image is quite soft. :LOL:
"We" called it "Jacks" for short, or pick up Jacks for its full title.
I guess other areas may have had different names, though.

That's it!

Thank you.

It's been a day for memories here :D