Shooting Golf

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Hi all,

I have asked to cover a charity golf tournament on Friday and have never shot a golf event before.

Any pointers for shots to capture, postioning etc??

Will be taking the following with me: Canon 20D, 35-135mm USM, 100-300mm USM and 100-400L, Monopod.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Luke. (y)
Make sure you introduce yourself to the players and strike up a rapport with them, they will feel much more comfortable with you shooting around them.

With the longer lenses you should be far enough away to shoot while they are in full swing without them hearing but be aware the nearer you get the louder your camera will be.

It is not against the rules to shoot while they are swinging, just do it sensibly.

Have taken may charity style golf shots and even some minor tour photo's, never had a problem shooting swings because I was always discreet.

To Capture the ball in flight off the club you will need to set it to high frame burst shots for more chance of capturing a keeper, this is what causes all the noise to the golfers by the way.

Shutter speed of 1/500th will show a little movement in the club and ball and anything faster you will start to freeze the action better.

Have a good time.
I remember a thread by Kipax about golf photography and he said that any shots of the backswing were very much frowned upon because although you may be using a 300mm lens and be stood well away from the players you can't tell any of that when you just look at the photos.

As this is only a charity golf game and nothing too serious then you can probably ignore the usual rules and just be careful not to disturb any of the players.
I would never take a golf shot with backswing... even if they cant hear the shutter... people will look at your pictures and not know how you took it.. only that you shot at backswing and you will get a bad name.. if your not bothered then go for it... But I got perfectly acceptable pictures without doing backswing.. In fact the best shots where after the shot alltogether with club up at neck height... ... shots getting out of bunkers sand everywhere is the top shot though :)

This was my second attempt at golf...
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Don't forget Tony, this is not press work or for the pro circuit. I agree about the bunker shots though.
Don't forget Tony, this is not press work or for the pro circuit. I agree about the bunker shots though.

Doesn't matter'll still get a reputation as being a tog who shoots the backswing which if you're trying to get more corporate/charity golf work won't be too good.

I don't think the backswing shots are that good anyway. There are much better opportunities.
Having done a few when my brother/mates where up and I was asked to come along (the promise of the "free shots" at the 19th is too strong for a Highlander to turn down) I found that doing a few shots during the practise swings seems to help the players stay settled a bit more when they come to making the shot. Also look for the confused look as they start to search the nearest shrubbery bush after a failed drive.
Thanks for the info guys.

I would never have thought about the backswing issue and I'm pleased it got brought up, hopefully stop me making a fool of myself :LOL:

I now have plenty to go on and hopefully will capture some pleasing images.

I will post the pick of the bunch over the weekend!

Many thanks again,

Luke (y)