siberian husky

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this is freiya...a cute girl

she's not my kind of dog though as i find her cold and unresponsive to i am not her owner..
she smiles a lot...shows her teeth...she will come for food and move around sniffing then give you the ice queen stare

but a lovely example nevertheless
Just find the weeds above her head a bit distracting:shrug:
Lovely looking dog, shame her eyes arent that striking blue though.
Just find the weeds above her head a bit distracting:shrug:


a fine comment...i toned them down with colour sister is a good gardener...they arent weeds my dear:puke:
Lovely looking dog, shame her eyes arent that striking blue though.

i googled the breed and saw this
i think hers may be in certain light...i will check my other shots
and here is the gardened variety
i left the cannabis plant on :D

Look like weeds to me :LOL: never mind :shrug:

also me.. my wife wont allow me anywhere near her cultivated weed patch
just cut the grass
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