Sigma 10-20 vs Canon 10-22

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In the process of saving for the above.

Is the Canon worth the extra?

Really doesn't bother me about time or saving but am I going to see a real difference?

Will the Canons extra 2mm make alot of diff?

Am I going to get possible softness problems with Canon?

Will it hold its money better than the Sig?

And finally where are the best prices for these lenses?

I'm now PMing Kerso...

>Is the Canon worth the extra?

>Really doesn't bother me about time or saving but am I going to see a real difference?

>Will the Canons extra 2mm make alot of diff?

>Am I going to get possible softness problems with Canon?
It's a superwide zoom, some softness will always occur

>Will it hold its money better than the Sig?
Is the Canon worth the extra?

Really doesn't bother me about time or saving but am I going to see a real difference?

Will the Canons extra 2mm make alot of diff?

Am I going to get possible softness problems with Canon?
As Dazza said, yes.

Will it hold its money better than the Sig?

And finally where are the best prices for these lenses?
Usually onestopdigital or digital revenue. Bearing in mind both these places ship from hong kong and sigma have internation warranties, but Canon don't.
Is the Canon worth the extra?

Really doesn't bother me about time or saving but am I going to see a real difference?

Will the Canons extra 2mm make alot of diff?

Will it hold its money better than the Sig?

And finally where are the best prices for these lenses?
Kerso or One Stop Digital. (Canon do have international warranties on their lenses - it's just their bodies that don't.)

There's a review in the latest edition of 'Digital Photo' magazine that includes both these lenses. I read it today and the Sigma wins due to its value for money. Despite the Canon getting second place they state that it, and one of the other lenses in the test (I forget which and the mag. is in the car at the mo!), actually just beat the Sigma on image quality.

I have the Canon and am very pleased with it. :)
Is the canon sharper or are here just more problems with sigma QC so you hear about more problems
Is the canon sharper

From what I've seen it is. I know someone that worked in a camera shop and got to test several of each before having to make a desicion. The canon was a clear winner.
FWIW, i'm completely happy with the IQ i get from my sigma, as for holding its value, i reckon i'll lose £35 of what i paid for it. (paid £285 and i'd get £250 back for it.)
However, the Canon is a better lens, i still think on RRp, you'd lose more than on the sigma when it comes to selling, it'd probably be even if you buy from someone like Kerso (about £390 i think he's selling it for). As for 'is it worth the extra £100, that's upto you to decide, why not go and try both out and see which you prefer, i never tried the 10-22 when i bought my 10-20, but would eventually like to get it purely because it's a Canon lens and it'd match the rest of my kit :)
Reading the review in the Digital Photo i'd go for the Sigma unless money is no object, then i'd go for the Canon(Nikon in my case)
I've got the Sigma 10-20mm on my EOS 40D and am realy happy with it. Perhaps an issue worth considering is future-proofing your purchase. The Sigma doesn't allow for shooting with a full size sensor so I am screwed if I ever go for a 5D or 1D. I think (correct me if I am wrong) but the Canon will allow full size sensor shooting as well as cropped sensor shooting.

For what its worth I am very happy with the Sigma, 10mm is soooooo wide it is unbelievable. I love it, it gives interiors a very Clockwork Orange kind of look.
The Sigma doesn't allow for shooting with a full size sensor so I am screwed if I ever go for a 5D or 1D. I think (correct me if I am wrong) but the Canon will allow full size sensor shooting as well as cropped sensor shooting.
I thought it was the other way around, the Canon 10-20 is EF-S mount so won't fit full frame?
after looking at all the shots on the sigma I want one so bad :( looks alot of fun anyone want to give me £250? :D
I own a Pentax K10D with a Sigma 10-20mm, Pentax 18-55 & Pentax 50-200 ..., 35mm equivalent of 15 to 300mm ..., all my photographic needs covered pretty much.

The Sigma is a fine lens - the test reviews are always positive and sometimes glowing - it can't be beaten on price IMO.

It would be the lens I would recommend people buy next after the standard kit lens - but the draw of the telephoto is too much and will (inevitably?) be next.

The Canon may (in theory) be a better lens - I don't know -but I very much doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between printed photos.

The sigma is probably the best value lens I have owned over the years. In my opinion the canon lenses are often better, however I find it very hard to see any difference between the siggy 10-20 and the canon version.
could only afford the 10 20 siggy, paid 274 last month for it. have put 3000 images thorugh with it snince then. when using the kit lens on the 30d i lept about35/40 percent of piccies. from the 10/20 that has shot up to about 85 percent.
the quality is well worth the money it is pin sharp excellent quality and feels like a lens, havy compared to the 18 55.
if you want other items like new tripod then i would jump for the siggy and use the other 100 for items required.

only my opinion but tried bott10 20 and the10 22 and as said very happy with siggy, only 10 photos out of the 3000 have been with other lenes.

hope this helps
What sort of money does the canon go for secondhand ?
I have one that I can't use having sold my 30d and gone full frame..
my sigma 10-20 is one of my favourite lenses.
Same here it produces some great shots, if I do ever make the jump to full frame (awaiting on a 5D replacement), I'll keep my current body for this lens.

In fact regardless if I go full frame or not, one of the reasons I'd like to upgrade is so I can have a second body just for this lens as I spend too much time swapping it on and off.
Steveinspain you have PM
My wife is buying me the Siggy for my birthday after reading an obscene amount of reviews.

Onestop digital have it delivered for £249.99 Well worth it. (nobody can beat that price)

Then i think the next lens on my list is the Tamron 90mm ;)
tokina 11-16mm f2.8 seems to be getting provisional good comments. Another one to consider maybe
If it was a choice for me of paying £250 Sigma or £350 Canon

It hit the sigma and filters

Hmmmm i am leaning that way....but depends if I could get a good price for a SH canon....

If not I think I will be going sigma way and getting myself some filters etc..
I have the Sigma Lens on my K10D and I love it. No QC problems and the IQ is great. However I have noticed in other forumsthat canon users of this lens have had QC problems (but strangely, not Nikon or Pentax Users) However, if you find a good Canon mount, you will not be disappointed, as this lens has a cult following.
I've had the Sigma on my Canon, and now on my Nikon and really love them, they certainly get a lot of use. I couldn't justify spending the extra on the Canon version as the reviews of the Sigma are so good.
Bought the Sigma 10-20 from Jessops whilst on hols. Unfortunately I must have got one of the QC probs because it was quite soft. Jessops took in back, no question and I've just received the Canon but yet to get out with it (raining!) Bought from Simply Electronics for £414 delivered, plus I can claim the £40 cashback from Canon. I've seen great shots from others from the Sigma, guess I was just unlucky.
If you'd be happy with a used Canon, then I think your attitude should be "If I can get a used one for the price of a new Sigma, then I'll take it".....

If you're not really worried about the small differences, then stick with the new Sigma if you can't get a used Canon for the same price.

I have the Sigma, and I'm pleased with it.
