sigma 17-70 f2.8-4.5 DC

stan the man

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i'm thinking about getting the above lens to replace my kit lens(sony 18-70DT)which i feel isn't a particularly good,does anyone have the above lens,and what do you think of it?i don't want to spend over £200 on this lens if it's not much kop.

thanks in advance...
I use one almost exclusively & find it excellent, never disappointed me - I know many others who have similar positive experiences.

I can't however compare it to your exisiting lens as I don't own a Sony...

One "issue" with Sigma is that their Quality control isn't always the best so if you do buy the lens, to be on the safe side, make sure it's from somewhere where exchanges/returns are straightforward

thanks simon...called into a local camera shop in swansea today,and although he doesn't have a sony fit there,he is checking with sigma on monday to see if they have one in stock,or when they could supply one.they will price match warehouse express,so i'll save on postage costs...also,the shop is a long established business,so i don't forsee any problems with returning substandard lens,although i will check this with them...just in case:D

he fitted one to a canon for me to have a looksy,and i'm in no doubt it will be better than my sony kit lens (y)
I have one too and like Simon it's hardly off my camera. Produces really sharp images, I'm really happy with mine. :)
Hope this helps.
Whats the focusing like with it? As i have the 70-300mm and its not particularly fast at focusing, used a 105mm macro sigma the other day and that was painfully slow!
I have the sigma 17-70 (Nikon fit). Lovely lens - fast focusing, sharp images. A great lens.

Would deffo try and get one if you can.


Ace lens I've had mine for 2 weeks now and haven't taken it off my camera since! I also bought the sigma close-up filter for it so its quite good at macro aswell (y)
Hey Stan out of interest, being a sort of Swansea resident myself, which camera shop is it you refer to?

Hey Stan out of interest, being a sort of Swansea resident myself, which camera shop is it you refer to?


hi's the camera centre up by where barons nightclub used to be,and they will price match web prices...he initially said it was £230,and when i asked him if he would match warehouse express' price of £219..he said no problem.they have also done this on all my purchases there.
had a little play indoors earlier,and i'm very impressed by how close you can go to your subject.can't wait to try it on some landscape's some from earlier...


hi's the camera centre up by where barons nightclub used to be,and they will price match web prices...he initially said it was £230,and when i asked him if he would match warehouse express' price of £219..he said no problem.they have also done this on all my purchases there.

Ah I know the place. Been in a few times to look at his second hand stuff but never really got anything. Good to see a recommendation for the place though (y) I'd like the 17-70 myself, and it seems like a crisp lens from your shots.
Ah I know the place. Been in a few times to look at his second hand stuff but never really got anything. Good to see a recommendation for the place though (y) I'd like the 17-70 myself, and it seems like a crisp lens from your shots.

yeah,he has lots of 2nd hand stuff in there...but nothing that catches my to give praise where it's due though,and will deffo get my next lens,or whatever else is next on my list of wants...and looking after a "local" shop is always a good thing IMO :LOL:

i'm well happy with the 17-70 so far (y)
They were £90 or something in Jessops recently :( (Nikon Mount) I saw the price tag in the branch in Swansea but they had none left. I was so gutted.
I got mine for £71.97 at Jessops about 3 weeks ago (Nikon fit) I posted a link on here but they've since gone up to £159.99 I got lucky this time!