Snow in Austria

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Some more pics from Austria, taken up in the mountains on the days we had snow :D






C&C welcome :D
Picture postcard stuff - just beautifiul Ruth!

#2 and #3 for me! Gorgeous!
Love them all but #1 is my favourite I think. Snow is the greatest thing ever IMHO. Hopefully I'll see some proper snowfall this year, either at home or in mid December when I'll be in Krakow.

Lovely pictures. (y)
Wow! I'm so jealous, one: for really wanting to go to Austria and two: for such beautfil shots! Well done Ruth (y) Superb set.
loving them, what a great set, well done (y)
#2 and #5.

#2 is grabbing me because it's almost a B&W until you look closely and see the green at the bottom in the mist. Great! :)
You've done a good job in poor light and should be congratulated for that :clap:. #5 is both the best and the worst. I am troubled as I feel a better composition could be had. Must come back to this.....................
You've done a good job in poor light and should be congratulated for that :clap:. #5 is both the best and the worst. I am troubled as I feel a better composition could be had. Must come back to this.....................

i know what you mean, but my back was playing up by this point in the trip and i was forced to stay int he car park quite a way from the seen. If you have any suggestions for a better crop then im open to the idea :)

I love Austria - Go skiing there each year. Where in Austria is this? 5 for me, nice misty low cloud.

Im not entirely sure where it is we were taking the scenic route from Innsbruck to Salzburg stopping at points of interest on the tomtom, but i wasn't driving so i don't really know.

Thanks for all the feedback guys really appreciated :)
Stunning shots! Really like the first a lot, and the rest are great.
Superb shots Ruth. Hard to decide, but like Lee I tend toward the colour that isn't quite shots... Something about snow, that softening quality it has... (y)
Did you stay in neiderau?!

I stayed in a hotel just down the road from that chruch! I see Krimml falls too?
Nice set Ruthie "Snow" can be a nightmare can't it?
well done on holding the colour and definition (y)
#1 is the pick of the bunch for me (y)
Thanks all, yeah now you mention it Krimmal falls sounds right :) not sure of the name of the hotel but one is taken from the window if that helps.