Some Common Birds (Don't make up your own jokes)

Andy Grant
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I decided that as I have spent squids on a Nikon 70-300 VR I'd better get out and use it so headed off to Elton Flash today. I also decided to take my time, be patient and not fire off a load of shots and storm off because birds are bl**dy stupid and won't stand still.
Anyway long story still fairly long I did manage a few I was pleased with.

1. Robin - sorry to state the obvious.

2. Robin - again. Backlit and slightly different processing. May be a Christmas card.

3. Dunnock

4. Mute Swan - liked the water on this.

5. Blue tit - very obliging were the BTs today got a lot of nice shots.

6. BT again - and my favourite from the day.

Thanks for looking and please let me have any thoughts on improvements.


I like the way the subject contrasts with the green background in the first image.

Looks like there's a strange diagonal banding in the swan pic, just to the left of the stick?
Superb set Andy, nice back light on the second robin shot (y)
I like the way the subject contrasts with the green background in the first image.

Looks like there's a strange diagonal banding in the swan pic, just to the left of the stick?

Thanks Karl. Yes I see it now, I'll have to have a look at the original :thinking:

Superb set Andy, nice back light on the second robin shot (y)

Thanks mate, lucky with robin if he'd been anywhere else the light would have been much worse.

Superb set mate love the no 2 Robin that picture would sell for x mas cards no problem i would just clone out them bits of twig on lower right corner of picture though
Super set Andy Just love the BTs abeautiful wee bird :clap: (y)

Love number 5, the blue tit. Best of the bunch for me.
I can see why the last is your favourite,good image all around,nice and sharp,lovely colours and nice posture.........(y)

It just seems a little cramped, is it uncropped or could you give a bit more space around the bird,especially to the left of it?
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Very nice set of pics all in, number three the pick of the bunch for me though, that's a cracking pose you have caught him in and the light is hitting his eye just perfect. (y)

Nice set.
aha treating digital like film
not a bad idea

and cracking results!
lovely set you aught there,my personal one would be No.5
Thanks for all the comments and advice folks. I've given one of the BTs a bit more room, better?


Yes it gives it room to breath now, some good shots there, and nice detail on the BTs (y)
Thanks for all the comments and advice folks. I've given one of the BTs a bit more room, better?



It looks a lot better to me now..........(y)
Very nice shots indeed there,Andy.
Personally I prefer your original crop on #6 because I think the oof branch is just distracting.
Thanks Matt and Mark. I'm not sure which I prefer..... ho hum.
