Some more autumn colours from Winkworth.

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After seeing johnalex's pics from Winkworth Arboretum, and having some fairly decent weather yesterday afternoon, we decided on the spur of the moment to go and have a look. It was about 3 in the afternoon when we got there, so the light under the trees was fading.

My wife Jo took these with the D50 and the Nikon 18-105VR.

1. Berries


3. I spotted this large Fly Agaric mushroom next to the path. Used the Tamron 90mm macro on the D90 for this.

The rest were taken with the D90 and Nikon 50mm f1.8. Because of the low light I bracketed exposures and using Photomatix, did HDRs but used tone compressor when tone mapping to give a more realistic effect.


5. This bloke kindly stood still while I took my 3 bracketed exposures. :)


Fantastic set - colours are excellent and the larger sizes on your flickr stream are wel worth a view :)

#2 is my fave :)
No 2 i love the colours and 3 again i really like this one..over all a nice set.
Thanks for the comments all. (y)

Looks like we were just in time, the wind and rain yesterday have probably stripped the trees.
Fantastic Captures No.2 is so colourful and sharp well done
