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Hi All,

Hmm I never know what to make of this, sometimes i look at it and like it and other times I fret about how much more it could have been apart from the "what onlys".

Interested to hear what you think and how it could be improved. Good and bad comments most welcome

The spitfire is a beautiful and evocative plane but your image does not, in my opinion, show this. It is far too dark and as such there is no detail to the image with the plane virtually disappearing. You can barely see the props or tail and the wing is hiding the cockpit just to begin with. The thing that sticks out most is the building which does nothing for me at all. Sorry but to be brutally honest it would have been a binner for me.
No need to apologise, I'm here for the truth, the reasons you mention are exactly why I'm disaponted with it. Trying to find an angle that didnt have a big building in the background or streetlights all over the place was impossible.

Ah well, as I suspected, back to the drawing board.
i think cowasaki is spot on with his crit and to be fair you agree with his points

is there anyway of revisiting this ? is it accessible ?

how about going again at night and trying a different angle/lighting ?

why not put some step ladders in the car and try and get above the plane ?

just a thought
Thanks Mrgas,

Might try the step ladder. its just a shame that such a beautiful aircraft is surrounded by such ugly things. just to the left of where the photo was taken from is a bike shed of all things that put a stop to me trying other angles
The lines of the spitfire should be fairly easy to trace round if you were to try cutting it out (whilst removing the stand) and placing on a different background?
If it was an unrepeatable shot you could rescue it somewhat with even simple editing. What is it in particular that you personally aren't happy with?
If it was an unrepeatable shot you could rescue it somewhat with even simple editing. What is it in particular that you personally aren't happy with?

Its the lighting, unfortunately the place is flooded with yellow streetlights, so have had to do a few hours work in GIMP just to get it to this level
Actually, I quite like it! The light trail could so easily be passed for as an enemy bullet just missing the plane by inches. I know of an exact same thing not too far from my home so I might try the same thing using night time long exposure.
However, that building in the background doesn't do it any favours - but that's nothing you can do about it apart from getting the council to demolish it! :D
Its the lighting, unfortunately the place is flooded with yellow streetlights, so have had to do a few hours work in GIMP just to get it to this level

What about flash and a quicker shutter speed so ambient light has less effect or colour balance for the street lights. Have you got a grey or White card.
What about flash and a quicker shutter speed so ambient light has less effect or colour balance for the street lights. Have you got a grey or White card.

No I dont have a card. I'm a total beginner with just a Sony A200 and a couple of basic lenses. I understand the qucker shutter speed but I was trying to get the light trail of the passing car too. Just experimenting with things.

Thanks for the advice, will look at the white balance if i get another chance.
i dunno.........

get rid of the support, a touch of radial blur on the propeller and hey presto - one very low flying spitfire with some dramatic lighting.............:LOL:
