stills straight from camcorder ,amazing

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AS I have said i now own a panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder which is truely amazing bit of kit. My question to myself is "what would the stills be like unedited direct from video clip

so here is the video clip photo grabbed on camera screen about .0.28 second in or there abouts all hand held.



the picture unedited


What I really like is the ability to pick out an individual frame from the video .

All one has to do is go into replay and a camera icon is displayed when touching the screen, then step through the video until the picture you want shows up. next stop the video and press the camera icon, job done. Far easier than taking hundreds of stills with a DSLR.

Aother example edited this time

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All sorts of gadgets now provide adequate quality for the majority of needs. I'm pleased with my little Canon Powershot Zoom - a digital monocular that can record digital video and still images suitable for many purposes...

Canon Powershot Zoom Ixus 70 IMG_4282 (3).JPG
Crow Clyst St Mary PSZ IMG_0056.JPG
Busker Exeter High Street PSZ IMG_0033.JPG
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Andrew I have a motto I stand by. That is " if the person is happy with the photo or video that is sufficient, if others like it as well consider it a bonus". It really doesn't matter what bit of kit one uses really, it is the results that count
You can pull 33MP stills from 8k video in the same way on the Nikon Z9... the only problem is that video settings aren't usually that great for still pictures.

Don't get me wrong I have been using Nikons since the D70s came out and to get a decent shot you have to use or swap lenses. Like everything it depends on what standarard one work to.

I have to say "for what I am happy with" this camcorder meets all my needs in one package, far too much to list on here, let alone direct broadcast without leads. it would costia fantastic amount more to get the same with a stills camera

I don't usually say this about any camera past or present but this Panasonic HC-X1500 is amazing and well worth checking out. OH I have no connection with Panasonic whatsoever other than buying their products
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I’m glad you’re happy with the camera and your results!
I think Anrew in post 2 might have mis understood. the shot a posted was from a frame in the video., what he is showing can record digital video and still images suitable for many purposes . mine is purely a video camcorder not one designed for stills or video Like DSLR's can do

Now if he extracted a frame from one of his videos and did a comparision I bet there would be quite a difference

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