Strange growth by my feeders

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Hi All,

I have 3 feeders in the front garden, two of which have some strange very dark (almost black) grass growing around them. These two particular feeders are generally loaded with sunflower seeds as the resident Goldfinches seem to prefer this to other food.

The 3rd feeder has nuts & fat balls and is the domain of the Starlings, Robins and Tits, and doesn't have the same problem.

Has anybody else had a similar issue, and if so is it a concern ?

Hi Dave,

My bad.... It's growing at the base, on the lawn, not on the actual feeders, which get cleaned most weekends.

it'll just be feeder seed growing - nowt to worry about. we once had hemp growing under our feeders for the same reason, which did cause a certain amount of comment :LOL:
I have the same thing with my feeders. I get a black fungus like growth which I think is on the detritus left by the birds when they wheedle out the seeds from the sunflower and drop the hulls.
I use a weighted stand from a patio brolly and put my feeder pole in it, birds made a mess of my lawn last year so mine are all on the patio.