Street Challenge photo - rip it to bits


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So, I wasn't really looking to enter the street challenge, but drove past this guy, and remembered i had a camera in the car. Not my S9600, which is pretty good, but the old konica 3.2mp jobby that I was given a few years ago.
I had to drive past a few times, and got htis on the last pass, with the other guys just out of shot effing and jeffing at me.

ANyway, firstly, it does look like Chris Moyles, doesn't it?

Secondly, should I crop the guy on the right out?

Thirdly, what would you change, bearing in mind that it was taken out of the car window, with a low spec camera. Woudl you have stopped and walked past, incurring the rath of the sunday afternoon drinkers. WOuld you have gotten even closer? Would you compose it differently? play with greyscales?

I'd crop hard

The smiths sign and the fella on the table says it all really.

This is my version, which I'll remove if you like.

Id crop like above but make it square, it really is a good shot. Doesn't matter about the actual quality of the camera, you have captured a great moment. If I had a friend egging me on I would have probably jumped out, but then a agin maybe not, and I consider myself quite brave!
I like the edit, (the b+w one) keep it on here. It is a bit edgier, grittier, in a sunday afternoon on the p*ss in a working class town kind of way

It is a shame about the post on the left blocking the legs of the bench, that would have been more appealing.

THanks for the comments

The colour one I also like, a bit more "pop" in it. I really should do some PP!

I am still mixed about the guy on the right, now there is one with and on without him. He is staring right at the camera!
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It is a shame about the post on the left blocking the legs of the bench, that would have been more appealing.

You're right, but you would have had to have been closer to get the bench twixt the posts or stood on the roof of the car :)
The crop is really good. A true street pic that says something without distractions.
Id crop like above but make it square, it really is a good shot. Doesn't matter about the actual quality of the camera, you have captured a great moment. If I had a friend egging me on I would have probably jumped out, but then a agin maybe not, and I consider myself quite brave!

Have jsut checked, the camera is a buy it now on Ebay for £40, so I suppose considering how old it is, it ain't bad.