Stuck In The Sand - Get A JCB

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Took this shot quickly with a compact on Sunday last as the tide was rising fast. The 4x4 belonging to a couple of windsurfers got stuck, then the JCB dug its way into the sand trying to pull it out. Eventually a track machine had to tow both out. It was dark by then. Excuse quality of photo.

right place at the right time, your local rag might have made a story out of this. I guess the JCB driver will be looking for a new job now:bonk:
Heh, reminds me of the crane one :) Good shot and definately would have sent that to the local rag :)
good one for the local rag, try some of the 4x4 mags too, they like running stories of this sort

there have been quite a few 4x4s got trashed like this

I am very reluctant to take our Landy out on sand, if anything its probably more dodgy than a normal saloon car as I've got chunky mud tyres that break through the firm sand crust and can dig you in rapidly if you use any power. Proper sand tyres are closer to slicks. Sand is horrible stuff, hard crusts and soft insides, liquification, . . . . and salty too
yuck yuck yuck.
I considered sending it to the editor of the local rag as I know him. However the JCB driver knows me. Get the jist :(