Taking a photo without a lens!?

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Anyone had any experience of taking photos without using a lens attached to the camera?

This is the most I've ever done. I took my lens off then I held a cheapo £4 macro converter infront of the sensor and 'focused' using my hand.


What've you got?
shall I bump that one up or use this as a topic revival? :)
I've decided to use this thread as a topic for taking pictures without any type of actual lens, just using pieces of glass and accessories to catch focus and get a picture.

This wasn't actually that hard to do in all honesty! It just made my arm ache having to make all the little adjustments and stuff haha! ;)
What is the purpose of this ?
Why not? What's the purpose of mounting older lenses onto newer cameras? Just to see what the outcome is.

It's experimentation!
Its fun, point the camera over something very colorful and you get a lovely gradient of colour across the frame.
Of course you could do that in photoshop, but its more fun not knowing exactly how its going to look!
I've decided to use this thread as a topic for taking pictures without any type of actual lens, just using pieces of glass and accessories to catch focus and get a picture.

If you're wanting others to join in and share their experiments, it might be better to start this as a thread in one of the feedback sections ("creative photography" would be the best place) and title it "show us your free-lensing shots" or something.

:thinking: or am I completely missing the point of this thread? Quite possible - it's been a long day :LOL:
Why not? What's the purpose of mounting older lenses onto newer cameras? Just to see what the outcome is.

It's experimentation!

One difference of mounting old lens means the sensor is still protected, have you checked your sensor for dust after trying this?
I took this photo a while back and I clean my camera very regularly. However, as dangerous as it sounds, having the lens off doesn't turn it into a dust magnet, as in taking the lens off automatically means you HAVE to clean it. I wasn't mucking about when I did this, even though it seems like it. I was experimenting in moderation ;D

I might tastefully ask the mods to move it for me :)
Personally I would avoid this like the plague, if you want to experiment that all well and good fair play for giving it ago, but I would be to concerned about ingress of dust and dirt into the camera, dust spots are a occupational hazard of DSLR life but I see no reason to increase the risk :eek:

That's what I meant, giving it ago. I'm not telling people to go and try Macro by taking their lens of and going to a walk.

I literally took this as I was changing lens and just wanted to see what would happen if I did put the little piece of glass up to the sensor, it worked. I didn't plan this shot, thats the point.