Taking piccies of Babies

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Couple of friends are asking me to take pictures of their littl'uns - purely on the fact that I've gone and bought a nice camera rather than based on ability!

So always up for a challenge I've agreed. I'm just really looking for say your 5 top tips for this type of photograhy - I imagine the hardest thing to do is to keep little one's interest by waving toys about etc etc but that might be fairly hard when you working with the camera at the same time.

As always any help greatly appreciated!


get down low to there level .

even if it means lying on the floor..

focus on the eyes

have fun..

fun fun fun

It will be worth asking them about the babies sleep pattern, if you are going round at 6pm and the baby always sleeps at 6pm you ain't going to have much luck - obviously these will be just a rough guide but it may help to get an awake smiley baby rather than a grouchy, sleepy one !
Try not to blind them with flash!

Turn up the ISO shoot at your lowest aperture and focus on the eyes, don't be afraid to get in close.

And have fun they are great subjects :)