
Edit My Images
I took these of Tara last month, she wanted some nice photographs to give to her boyfriend, Tara seemed to like them.


I really like the first one, the crop is good and i really like the catch-light in her eyes.

The second is not as good in my opinion, i think there needs to be a bit more light on the face and the crop doesn't work for me, too much space at the top on the image and top of the boot? in the bottom right hand corner is slightly distracting, also the pose makes the left arm look like it is missing.

Just my opinion though :)
I quite like the first photo. I think it would be better without the shadow around the bra but I guess it can't be helped. I still don't think its a huge issue and the image works. Not so sure on the 2nd. Its ok n all but lacks the feeling of the first. Actually I think the first would work more if she was smiling like in the 2nd, maybe :)
The first is ok. But the pose in the second, she looks a little hunched back. Rather than leaning her body forward, she's just moved her head, giving a rather hunched look. I'm sure her Boyfriend will like the first shot.
Brilliant catchlights in the first, and what gorgeous lips she has! I hate her :D Id be tempted to do something about that reflection on her bottom lip though.

Not struck on the second, its more of a catalogue pose, and its almost like she has no neck :/

But if she likes them, then thats all that matters :)
The first is by far the better, though, she looks really really young, and it makes me feel uncomfortable seeing her in a 'Glamour' pose in a bra. Maybe thats me being maternal and a Mother to two daughters. I feel it would be more classy if she were in more clothes, I dont mean a shroud, just not her undies.
The first is by far the better, though, she looks really really young, and it makes me feel uncomfortable seeing her in a 'Glamour' pose in a bra. Maybe thats me being maternal and a Mother to two daughters. I feel it would be more classy if she were in more clothes, I dont mean a shroud, just not her undies.
Thanks for all the replies, Tara is 20 and at university and the choice of clothing was hers.
Love the contact in the first shot, the eyes are so engaging that for me, its a real shame that her torso is appears so much brighter, & it kind of fights for my attention.
Id have liked to have seen more light fall-off I think, with her decolletage coming through from the shadows.

#2 shot doesnt really do it for me, her neck is lost in the pose and it makes her look squat, which is a shame because I like the way youve lit her face and again it looks lovely, kind of reminds me of Pia Zadora!

All jmo of course. :)