taz my wet dog



Your link goes to http://www.w3.org/Protocols/

(which shows the following)

HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol

News | HTTP Activity | Specs | Software | Talks | Mailing lists | IETF | HTTP Extensions | WebMux | HTTP-NG | Web Characterization | Background

Now that both HTTP extensions and HTTP/1.1 are stable specifications, W3C has closed the HTTP Activity. The Activity has achieved its goals of creating a successful standard that addresses the weaknesses of earlier HTTP versions.

HTTP-related efforts in W3C are continuing, however. Some staff resources will remain allocated within the Jigsaw Activity to maintain an Overview page on HTTP on the W3C website, and to track implementation experience with HTTP/1.1 and HTTP extensions. Moreover, the open-source HTTP code in Jigsaw developed by W3C is still being actively maintained.

W3C has started new protocol-related work in the XML Protocol Activity, the XML Protocol Working Group will define an HTTP binding for XML Protocol, which is a higher-level protocol.... plus a load more that nobody will want to read

[edit] Oh I see what you did - you've got http:// twice in the URL. If I edit the URL manually it says I'm not logged in.
Ahhh GFK That'll be your browser being clever :D

basically the http:// at the start of the link had doubled up, so your browser thought you needed HTML help :p

Anyway, I've edited the post to the correct URL, but you still need to be logged into Photobox to view the image :) and I can't do anything about that..., phil will have to do that one

why do dogs love water so much?