'The Beast Of Omaha'


TPer Emeritus
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Interesting read on the WW2 Normandy landing from the German perspective.

Very interesting, but there seems to be two versions of where he was sent as a POW.

Mr Severloh was sent as a PoW to America and put to work picking cotton
and potatoes before returning to Germany in 1947 to resume his pre-war
life in farming.

Severloh was sent with 500 other POW’s to Bedfordshire in England to build roads
I can't imagine what his life is like living with that.
a good read, he was on TV not so long ago with a few US vets, he described the carnage in detail and retold how the landing craft drivers kept dropping off the troops in exactly the same place time after time :(

You can watch films like saving private ryan and the like a thousand times back to back and you'll never get close to what those poor sods on both sides went through for the sake of freedom and survival :(
War is indeed an ugly thing!:shake:

And the only thing we seem to learn from history is that we learn NOTHING at all...

War is indeed an ugly thing!:shake:

And the only thing we seem to learn from history is that we learn NOTHING at all...


spot on.

good read cedric, thanks for posting
ooo... I met this guy on the 60th Anniversary of D-Day...he was being escorted by a bunch of British Veterans and they were all smashed out of their heads and having a Hell of a laugh...they were part of the VIP group scheduled to meet the Queen that afternoon (due to delays they didn't and were kept waiting in the sun for four hours without a break...not the best way to treat the Liberators of Europe...)
Earlier I'd spotted the same group at the US Cemetary at Omaha Beach, but hadn't approached them at that time because one of them was moaning about all the 're-enactors' swanning round in US paratrooper uniforms... "If they're so keen to know what it was like, tell 'em to lie in the sea while I shoot at 'em all day!" he was shouting...
Made me laugh my conkers off...

"Them or me ... "

What would anyone do faced with that situation ... :shrug: ... a situation none of us would relish ... nor many of us refuse to be in ... even now ...


/takes a moment of pause after reading that...

Having visited the Normandy beaches and lots of memorial sites in Belgium, it really is quite moving reading something like that. It's a shame more of the idiots of the world can't experiance the same thing. It changes you in a subtle way that can only really be understood by those that have experianced it as well.