The early Bird (Kingfisher)


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I spent a week getting hidden up on the riverbank by 6.15am waiting for the resident kingfisher to appear, he did most mornings by 6.40am.

Oh Yes well worth the "wait" :clap:
Not bad at all that (y)
Lovely shot - well done! I'd be itching to crop that shot quite tight on the left though.
almost worth the early start (don't do mornings - grunt)
superb shot tho - excellent!
That's definitely the way to do it, the earrly mornings paid off a treat. :clap::clap:
Thanks everyone for your comments and feedback.
I had to shoot this at ISO 1200, @ f5.6 as the light was awful, so was expecting loads of noise on the picture, but was quite happy with results.

Robertp i did get a couple of shots of him and and fish, but was'nt very happy with those re focus, as you'l see by the attched one here.

LOL. That's shut Robert up! :LOL:

That's a great capture- shame it's not quite sharp - but a huge achievement even so. :clap:
sure it's a tad softer than #1 but it's still an absolute cracker - respect (as the yoof say) :clap:
Well done Bev great catch:clap:, He is a She, did you use Petes guide to get these or did you behave normally.:D
Thanks CT & mmcp42, and Mitch sorry i should of said, that there was in fact a pair flying about the river, although it seemed they bickered more, than were friendly towards each other but the romantic time of the year has passed!!, and yes the bird with the fish is the female.
We put the hide on the edge of the river bank after studying where the birds were settling on a regular basis, we then placed a perch (large thin arched stick) into the bank where it was shallow, and there were signs of small fish about, and then sat and waited, and it didnt take long before they started to land on the perch, so every morning for the week we were there we had the privilage of seeing these beautiful little birds.
Well done, with that setup we should be seeing some actual fishing shots soon, something that i'm struggling with at the moment but i,m hoping the new lens will help with.

Looking forward to the next post
Great shots, very nice indeed.
I think i would have got rid of the cobweb/fishing line? imo
However, the background is great too.
Don't get these this far north. Not many anyway. Just turned green. Well done.
Mitch thanks and good luck with the new lens, these birds set a challenge just spotting them!
Dino, it was sdefinately cob web, thanks for comment i left it in for effect really.
Brash and Charlie Thankyou.