The Missouri River...the "Mighty Muddy"

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Here's a pano of the Missouri River, separating Bismarck from Mandan, North Dakota. We're very lucky to have extensive greenspace along the Missouri here in town, so it isn't an industrialized mess.

The Missouri once was known as the Mighty Muddy for the amount of silt it carried during the usual spring flooding. Dams have tamed the river, however, and flooding is only localized.

The image gives a real sense of size to the river. If it's that wide in North Dakota, it has to be enormous down in the estuary. I think the pano helps capture the majesty of the river.
I'm sure this would look good big, on a big wall. As Russell said, it gives an imense feeling of scale and I like the way you have included the bridge stage right. Man and nature, nice one (y).
Thanks, everyone. The river is about 3/8 mile wide here (a little wider some places, others a little narrower.) Bismarck sits on one of the last stretches of the Missouri that is "natural." All the rest, from the Fort Peck resevoir (in Montana) to the confluence with the Mississippi River, has been dammed and tamed. Wide it may be, but not too deep.