The run and hand off....

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Hi, a couple from my last games, usual processing done so you'll either like or loathe it :p Used my new D300 and 300 f2.8 on shutter pri. Gave the D3 a miss this year and went for a pair of D300's which I am really pleased with.



This one I have never been so wet!! I left the house that morning with glorious sunshine, shorts and factor 30 on....when I got there is was bouncing and it did'nt stop. Have to admit I like shooting in the wet as it always throws up something different but driving home in soggy shorts aint fun :thumbsdown:

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Great pictures - loath to call them photos even though I know they are, just with heavy post processing. Thing is I like em too. They look like computer generated graphics.

This has got me all confused! lol

Care to share the technique?

those look unreal! (literally):LOL: very well done. go on then spill the beans.... howdya do it?
My first thought was 'which game are these from, then?'.
something looks so wrong yet so right.:thinking:
Hi, no its not the Dragon effect nor HDR there were no PS actions used, alot of layers and adjustments used and its very time consuming. Lends itself not too bad to AMFIT.

Great effect though (y)(y) and great set
is there any chance we could see the originals? just so we can marvel at your ps skills:LOL:
mmm still don't think so, I was actually trying for a more painted'ish feel to them, just makes them pop more.

Wow I think they're great! Something completely different for sports shots! They're the kind of shots I'd have framed and put on my wall if I'd have taken them :)

I'd love to know a little more on how you achieved the effect.
Iain - very interesting processing. You've worked with this effect before I seem to recall. It definitely works for the style of sport I think - I can imagine American footie fans appreciating the unreal look of these images... seems to fit the hype and spectacle of the game.
I like em...really heavily processed yes, but it really suits the subject matter for me. (y)
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