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Ageing, Texas train set style. I have no interest in water drops or insects, but the patina of age intrigues me. Remember, it's only oxygen and time, oxygen and time... from a disused trainyard , in the dust of backwater texas.

Patent due to expire




Turn the tap off








well, 87 views and no comments. Maybe I should take a picture of a beetle and put it up here instead. Sometimes I wonder why I post here...
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interesting set, I like the patterns on the first two but would have liked to see them in colour to get the rusty colours as well as the patterns.
Number one I am struggling to see it, its aged too much for me to get any detail other than aging from it, which is the detail I am sure I am meant to see.

Number two I like, not 100% sure why I like it, but out of the set its my favorite, looks a bit like an old cobweb covered bench.

Engrained is interesting, kind of like a piercing, you can see the soft indents of the wood.

The toys you threw out of the pram may need picking up so other veiwers don't trip over them :)
No toys from me. I post for pleasure, but I welcome debate. Just a saddened observation - you only have to trawl the front page of each subforum to see it's true. I sometimes go through and deliberately comment on those unanswered posts - just because it's good to know someone's out there, and it's a disheartening blow to see your photos passed by. There's no denying that TP can become a little blinkered at times, especially in these subsections.

I'm fairly impervious to criticism, so I'd rather hear where I'm going wrong than some others would - helps me raise my game.

Thanks for the comments - really, it means a great deal. I see what you mean about the first shot. It's an old 'patent' plate, rusted to almost beyond recognition.

Some of these shots just seemed to texture better in mono - but there are a couple which just begged for their original colour...




these are pretty much straight from camera.
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I am no where near good enough to offer critism, I tend to just say what I like. I like number one, well the crop of it and the colours and I like the angle of number two.
I hear what you are saying about people not commenting, I was sooooo upset that no one loved my first post on here as much as I did (still do lol).
Do you have the plate in colour?
I like to comment on peoples pics, but not to just say 'nice set' etc. Subjects also need to be something I'm comfortable with to critique. (In my case people shots mainly, but will have a go at a few other genres if I see something wrong;).

Your pics, I feel unqualified to comment except to say 'nice set':naughty:
I do agree that it's dis-heartening though if you get no replies.

Sorry I can't be of any help.