Tower Bridge at Night - How to crop?

looks lovely as it is :)
Agreed... There are a few things you could do, but I'd be tempted to call it finished. I like that a lot!
Crop you have looks fine to me also. Nice photo.
I wouldn't crop it one bit, the framing is great, I would however darken around the edges, recover the highlights a fraction and add a slight bit of clarity to the image in Lightroom, but that's just my style of editing coming to the fore :D

Otherwise a superb shot, what side of the river were you on?
Thanks for the comments everyone, guess I'll leave the crop as is :)

I might have a play around with your suggestions when I get home later, cheers.
This was taken from the South side of the river, shooting West. The tide was out so I was able to go down on to the "shore" bit and get reasonably close to the water which I'd never done before.
I can only agree with what has already been said....I think it quite lovely exactly as it is.