Traffic Wardens........a fair cop :) Captions invited


Jeremy Beadle
My name is Mal not Jeremy :)
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Policing of parking in Alnwick my home town has become more "organised" since Northumberland County Council took over.

Here are the sequence of events leading up to an illegally parked car being ticketed :)

Captions invited for possibly 1, 2 ,and 3 :)

I would like to add that the warden knew she was being photographed and after having a a conversation with her and a colleague I found then to be very approachable and helpful :)

1. Parked vehicle!.
[/url] RV5A0267_1855 by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]
2. Hmmm yes they do look like double yellow lines.
[/url] RV5A0269_1857 by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]
3. There's another over there you could nab.
[/url] RV5A0270_1858 by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]
4. I was not the only photographer taking pics :)

RV5A0272 by laidbackman, on Flickr
5. The ticket details are entered.
[/url] RV5A0271 by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]
6. And finally.........
[/url] RV5A0277_1863 by laidbackman, on Flickr[/IMG]
#2 "But I'm not on the lines I'm beside them"

#3 "See you don't even get up to the 4' 11" mark"
That ticket will be invalid, the lines aren't continuous. the hell they got those yellow lines around my car without getting paint on it is beyond me.
No 1: I'm the idiot that drives the citroen and wears a waterproof shirt
No 4: I've got a creepy stalker with a 5D
No: 5 creepy tog is watching my ass now
No 2: Yes that is correct 2 tickets, 1 for the yellow lines and the other for being 6ft from the kerb.
cannot be bothered to think of captions but I can see at least three (what appear to be legal) places in #3.

Yes not continuous lines and a technicality, but anyone with half a brain would reasonably expect that you should not park there.

Also is he 7 ft tall and she 4 ft 9?
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No2. Hands in pockets, brains in boots.
No3. Yes I know there is parking opposite, and there is probably a car park
25 yards down there, but I thought what the hell go for it.
No6. If he couldn't see the lines, he's not got much chance with this.
So worn away paint (or whatever it is) from double yellow lines is a 'get off' clause?

Do the signs mean nothing then? ie those signs that are usually nearby on poles about 10ft in the air.

Just asking.

If a line painter paints over a grid and the grid is replaced because it has been nicked for instance, so the new grid has no paint on it, are you saying that technically I could 'get off' having to pay the fine?
Loving the captions :)

Where the car is parked is actually the access to the cobbled area, where the chap is standing the kerb is about 18ins high:)
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So worn away paint (or whatever it is) from double yellow lines is a 'get off' clause?

Do the signs mean nothing then? ie those signs that are usually nearby on poles about 10ft in the air.

Just asking.

If a line painter paints over a grid and the grid is replaced because it has been nicked for instance, so the new grid has no paint on it, are you saying that technically I could 'get off' having to pay the fine?

Cannot find anything hard and fast but general consensus appears to be if "very broken" - (multiple car lengths) - you may "get away with it", but if say a 2 ft manhole cover replaced in a long stretch then "no. you were stupid. Pay up!"
Cannot find anything hard and fast but general consensus appears to be if "very broken" - (multiple car lengths) - you may "get away with it", but if say a 2 ft manhole cover replaced in a long stretch then "no. you were stupid. Pay up!"

So why are folk saying not to pay up in this instance..I can't see any broken multiple car lengths of missed paint.

What about the signage that accompanies yellow lines....does that not count?
Nice sequence but the guy will get off with it on appeal as the Yellow Lines do need to be intact and not broken for the length of the car.
The line only needs to be broken in one part for the length of the offending car for it to be null and void.
As for signs (this is even sillier) they have to be within your arc of view and at eye level.
So if you come out your car, stand on the kerb with your back to the car and the sign is not in your field of vision looking straight ahead your good.

Note : Why is that guy talking to the Warden? Its obvious due to the angle of parking that it was a women who parked it. :LOL:
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So why are folk saying not to pay up in this instance..I can't see any broken multiple car lengths of missed paint.

What about the signage that accompanies yellow lines....does that not count?

I assume they are armchair lawyers / solicitors... :shrug: I dunno... but google "broken double yellow lines"

Nice sequence but the guy will get off with it on appeal as the Yellow Lines do need to be intact and not broken for the length of the car.
The line only needs to be broken in one part for the length of the offending car for it to be null and void.
As for signs (this is even sillier) they have to be within your arc of view and at eye level.
So if you come out your car, stand on the kerb with your back to the car and the sign is not in your field of vision looking straight ahead your good.

Where did you get that "gem" from?
There was something on TV about this some years ago. The double yellow lines have to be continuous, no breaks at all and finish with a line across to mark each end to be valid. People were getting off parking tickets by submitting photos of poorly maintained yellow lines. I've no idea whether it's genuine though.
I assume they are armchair lawyers / solicitors... :shrug: I dunno... but google "broken double yellow lines"

Where did you get that "gem" from?

There was something on TV about this some years ago. The double yellow lines have to be continuous, no breaks at all and finish with a line across to mark each end to be valid. People were getting off parking tickets by submitting photos of poorly maintained yellow lines. I've no idea whether it's genuine though.

Just finished my 'Googling' on the subject and indeed there appears to be some case for the broken lines thing. Alos if the lines are slightly too big or too small (measured in mm) it is crazy...common sense gone mad.

We all know they are double yellow lines but some 'solicitor' has argued (back in 1971 I may add) that if the lines were not set out exactly to the engineers drawings then the lines are without legal standing. No wonder this country id ****ed.

By the way there are differing rules regarding which office issued the ticket.....absolute mine field.

My biggest gripe know you parked on double yellows but because part of the line is mis-shapen/broken/too big want to get off with it.....scandalous in my opinion.
Even worse Tom is drink drivers getting off on technicalities because they can afford the best lawyers. There was something about this TV recently.

Anyway, Traffic Wardens, always reminds me of that Nikon ad from the 80s with a very nice redhead traffic warden.
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Even worse Tom is drink drivers getting off on technicalities because they can afford the best lawyers. There was something about this TV recently.

Too true Richy boy. When we are in charge we will sort it all out.........
viva la revolucion!
My biggest gripe know you parked on double yellows but because part of the line is mis-shapen/broken/too big want to get off with it.....scandalous in my opinion.

it is completely. But at the same time I get why people try it on, many of the parking rules are so complicated then any little loop hole. I know double yellows is simple but a lot of them aren't
I think my biggest gripe is someone posted photos inviting captions to be added which I assume was purely for fun and it descends into a OT discussion from the usual suspects about the rights and wrongs of parking laws, missing bits of paint or signs etc.
For christsakes start your own thread for your opinions on whats right and wrong and leave this topic for what it was intended for.
I think my biggest gripe is someone posted photos inviting captions to be added which I assume was purely for fun and it descends into a OT discussion from the usual suspects about the rights and wrongs of parking laws, missing bits of paint or signs etc.
For christsakes start your own thread for your opinions on whats right and wrong and leave this topic for what it was intended for.

I think my biggest gripe is someone posted photos inviting captions to be added which I assume was purely for fun and it descends into a OT discussion from the usual suspects about the rights and wrongs of parking laws, missing bits of paint or signs etc.
For christsakes start your own thread for your opinions on whats right and wrong and leave this topic for what it was intended for.

It would have been better to have linked to it from the "Out of focus " section and carried on the discussion but as I am the OP and it is a fun section I am not that bothered, I have found it interesting following the discussion:).
Well only posh people live in Alnwick so treble the fine and lock him up in the castle until theres a space available in the toon stocks.