Transfer of Exposure Information




Another stupid question (sorry if it's a repeat). I have transferd images from my camera to my pc but the information about the exposure (f stop and shutter speed) seems to have been lost or not recorded. Is this something to do with the way I have set my camera up?

I basically have no record of what exposure I took the images at.
Thank you
What software are you checking for exif with and what camera are we talking about?

I looked at your previous posts for clues but they were from 2005!

Welcome back :)
I am using a Canon 5D and looking in Photoshop.

Do you think I have the camera settings wrong?
Thanks for your interest
The exposure information (EXIF data) is embedded into the file which the camera creates. There is not an option to remove it in the camera. You can verify this by reviewing the image on the camera's LCD. So if you're not seeing it, you're doing something wrong on the PC.

Are you shooting RAW or JPEG? How are you transferring the images across to the PC? What exactly are you doing in Photoshop?
I was going to ask the same question so dragged this post up . I can see exif data on camera, also when I used a HDR program it told me as there was an option. Can I get PS 7 to tell me exif data?

Nikon D40
Shooting in JPEG at the moment
