
Good potential on that one Robin, I find the apparent distortion at the lead in a bit confusing to the eye, so maybe an adjustment there or a move slightly more inside the underpass to avoid it.
I like the steps up at he other end and the brickwork and lights add to the pic (y)
Nice image, I agree with Gramps about the viewpoint, reminds me a bit of one of the engines on the Star Ship Enterprise
That does work better for conventional old me Robin :D
I agree with Crazyp. I would also try and darken the steps at the far end. just to see what it looks like because it just draws my eye a little. I also wouldn't mind seeing it at night.
I'd be tempted to try it with the exit exactly central, also the lights then coming in from same place on each corner, and the lines of the paving in the foreground exactly parallel to bottom of frame.
Maybe try a "hdr" merge of shots if the exit steps are too bright compared to the tunnel.
OK folks, so more jiggery-pokery and this is the result..what do you think now?
Tunnel's now too dark IMHO. Use a mask and keep the top tunnel but use the steps area from this one.
Still think a central, symmetrical composition would be worth trying.
Paul, Keith..thanks for your comments, a night time shoot and/or a more central composition is pencilled in, thanks again

Robin have you got "edit" crossed out by design? If not I'll have a go at merging the two you've put up so far? You can set it in user control panel if you want to change it.
Second version for sure (y)
Still looks a bit dark on my screen but looked bettter on the screen I edited on, see what you think.
