Uploaded a few slideshows to youtube.. take a look if you like :)

Damian Brown
Edit My Images
So I decided to tidy up my youtube account a little and get some slideshows up... they're first takes, still a bit of trimming to do and newer work to include when I get chance but thought I'd share it on here.





I used proshow gold, kept it simple and moving too. Well, I don't expect everyone to watch them all the way through but it's there if potential clients and viewers want to!

Also it was worth the wait to have it at the highest quality youtube would allow, I'm not a big fan of full screen images looking bad, so this is a little trial for me to so I can see what and how I can get into this medium, just as a sharing tool really! Also it's to get me used to embedding vids on forums!

Next step to experiment a bit more with the speed, trim down the fat and maybe upload some of my travel stuff and other projects.

Not bad quality for a first go at proshow. (Well first go this year, i tried it a while back but I think I got sidetracked)
I know what you mean. I kept it that way because I prefer to use music on my system instead. Horses for courses I think. Thanks for viewing as well!